
Дворец румынских королей. Синая. Румыния. © Фотограф Андрей Хроленок

Exteriors and Landscapes

Outside view of buildings is most important to the presentation — this is what draws the attention of the viewer in the first place. This is base looking on what your create a first impression of the object. It is crucial in the assessment. Photographing exteriors and landscape are difficult in the first place so that the perception of the image is highly dependent on weather conditions and the position of the sun in the sky. In case of error, at best, will have a chance to reshoot the picture only in a next day. At worst — never… Skip to section >>

Рабочее место директора госучереждения. © Фотограф Андрей Хроленок

Commercial interiors

As it does not sound strange, but most of the active phase of life, people usually spend in the “commercial” areas. If you subtract the time of sleep, when all thinking is “closed inside” a man, turns out that almost all the time we live in offices, public places and shopping centers… Photographing these spaces are usually complicated due to their large size and complex volumes. Often for the sake of a simple-looking frame has to expend energy on the right lighting the many hundreds of square meters of this and neighboring areas. Skip to section >>

Спальня премиум-уровня в светлых бежевых тонах. © Фотограф Андрей Хроленок

Residential interiors

Residential interiors — a stronghold of comfort, warmth and serenity. After a busy street, after a mad rhythm of office in residential interiors we are looking for himself “cozy nest” where you can relax and indulge in a comfortable rhythm of reading books, playing computer games or other “idleness”. Photographing residential interior is not so much difficult from a technical point of view, how the organizational — we invade people’s personal space. In the “holy of holies” of their world… Skip to section >>

Белый мебельный гарнитур в рабочем кабинете с синими стенами. © Andrey Khrolenok

Furniture and accessories

Photographing furniture and accessories in the interior close in complexity to the normal interior photography. The only difference is that the whole composition of the frame is built around the main object. We show not how beautifully designer made ??interior in general, but as a concrete object can exist harmoniously in the human environment. Skip to section >>

Елена Губина. Дизайнер интерьеров

Business portraits

Architects and decorators at first sight may have any appearance as long as they do their job well. In fact, the client allows them permanently into the inner sanctum of his world — his home, his family… If a designer is unpleasant client as a person, it will negatively affect the result of the work. We make up 90% of our opinion about any person in the first 20 seconds. And competently shot business portrait, placed in a publication or architect’s website, can greatly affect this first impression… Skip to section >>